Mink Frog
Lithobates septentrionalis


Mink frogs are notorious for being difficult to identify, sharing similarities to Nova Scotia's two most common frog species (Green frogs and Bullfrogs). They are olive green to brown with dark splotches along their body. They have a white or off-white underside. The key to identifying Mink frogs lies in the feet and smell, the webbing on the hind feet reaches to the last joint on the 4th (longest) toe. When attempting to confirm ID on a mink frog, it's best to take a photo of the hind feet! They also have acquired their name from their musky odor.


Similar to the Green frog call, the mink frog call sounds similar but is far more rapid and lacks the reverb that the Green frog call has.

Listen to the call here


Not Listed (Nova Scotia)


Can be found in slow-flowing waters with lots of vegetation.


Can be found throughout Nova Scotia.